Siemens cumpara TESIS PLMware


Compania TESIS PLMware, recunoscut? pentru integrarea solu?iilor de tip PLM (nu râde?i b?i, înseamn? product lifecycle management) cu alte solu?ii de tip enterprise, a fost achizi?ionat? de c?tre Siemens, ?i va fi integrat? în divizia Siemens PLM. Tranzac?ia presupune atât achizi?ionarea companiei din Munchen, cât ?i a filialei din Statele Unite. Valoarea tranzac?iei nu a fost f?cut? public?.

“Siemens is committed to delivering best in class solutions that help our customers, and the next generation of manufacturers, efficiently bring innovative products to market. With the acquisition of TESIS PLMware, Siemens is further expanding its portfolio of industry software. With stable and proven interfaces to the world’s leading ERP systems, our PLM solutions are completely integrated into the enterprise software architecture of our customers. This makes them faster, more efficient, more flexible and more cost effective” a declarat Chuck Grindstaff, CEO ?i Pre?edinte al Siemens PLM Software.

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